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Hey guys!

    So another week down and so many more to go.  However, it is only TWO
WEEKS until spring break.  I am sure most of you feel it couldn't come any
faster, but as mentioned Wednesday night, we on the other hand have a lot to
plan for in just a short amount of time.  Here is an update. 

*Club is now meeting EVERY WEDNESDAY night in room 18 @ 6PM WITH FOOD
*We have a couple events planned for the next two weeks that we need ALL the
help we can get:

--Next Wednesday we are having a resume builder and coverletter session to
help those getting ready to offer their services with a company (in other
words get a job), as well as prep for the following Wednesday's event

--Wednesday March 13th @ 6PM we have the chance to set up a table and do a
club membership drive to try and get people aware of the club and signed up
as new members.  Amy is helping put a postcard market scheme together, and I
will need a volunteer or two to make posters (I'll get you times and
locations on the actual event), we'll need to put together somewhat of a
display for the table, so if there are people that wouldn't mind designing a
huge sign or setup that would be great.  Also needed are people at the table
that night, so if you know you can make it, let me know and I'll be sure to
mark it down.

---Mock Interviews...I know Whitney Hall is creating a poster to advertise
this event that will occur DURING THE DAY ( WEDNESDAY 13th ) from 11-3
attentively.  Local vendors will be offering a service of "mock interviews"
where you will treat it like a real one, but they offer advice and tips on
how to respond in an interview.  If you are interested, there will be a
sign-up sheet IN ROOM 18 (Sara's office), so PLEASE SIGN-UP so we have a
head count, and some people to interview.  For all you who LOVE to dress to
express and look good, now is the chance to do so, also bring your resume
for great opportunities.   

---PHOTOBOOTH FUNDERAISER....the paperwork is being handled as we speak, so
dates and times are still  as announced, but we need posters for the event
designed (we are looking to do this the week before spring break and sell
shirts as well at the booth), we need people to sit during the LUNCH HOURS
(that's what we are shooting for) and we need people to help make shirts to
sell.  If you want to design please have it ready to go next week (something
fun, comical, and doesn't relate to the club, but needs to be kept clean) or
if you want to print the shirts let me know, because we will need help with
that as well.  I will be meeting with Sara and Blue on Monday to go over the
details of the Photo booth funderaiser (supplies needed, shirts to be
ordered, how the table will be set up, ect.)  If anyone wants to help in any
way PLEASE let me know, we would love to have you all be a part of this
comical, money-making opportunity.

    That's the itinerary for the next two weeks, which not EVERYONE HAS TO
do or be a part of, but these are EVENTS that will help the club and give
you some time away from homework and stress if need be.  Other fundraisers
are being discussed, so please feel free to offer your input.  Here are some
other ideas for fundraisers we are looking at:

*Pie-in-Professor's Face

*Card game of choice "Stack the Deck"...more info on that will be presented

*Movie Night--rent a movie and have free admission, but charge for


*Rent-A-Puppy...this is an EXTREME one that we would REALLY need to plan andhave all DETAILS covered, but you borrow a few pups from the humane society for a # of hrs in 1 day & arrange it w/ UNI to set-up a table on campus
somewhere, and then after advertising it, when you have people interested,
you rent the pup out in 1/2 hr incriments, reserving the spot by taking that
persons license for liability reasons.  Again, BIG, but fun event, so
something to think about.

*Penny Drive...set out a jar on the ITC tables to "collect pennies"

*Breakfast Brunch-- offer coffee, bagels, donuts one morning in the ITC
building.  You could run this weekly (every Tues. morning) or do it in a one
time shot.

*Food baskets for finals.....make a "care package" for students during
finals week-- send out a letter to parents of ITC majors and minors, and
have it sell the basket ahead of time, and then fill and deliver basket
during finals week.

    This is a lot of information all at once, but the club is really
starting to take off and go somewhere, so I want to keep you all updated.
Also, Austin did a fabulous job of creating some great logo options and is
working on getting a NEW and IMPROVED site up.  Ty is finishing on the
brochure, so we will have something to handout.  If there is anything that
you are interested in helping out with, PLEASE let me know.  You don't have
to come to the meetings to be part of the club, however, we just need to
know the help is out there, so please let us know :o)  Other than that I
think that pretty much covers it.  Sara, or Blue if there is something I am
forgetting, please feel free to add to this.  Have a great weekend and I'll
see you guys on Wednesday!